About Us
Like so many other sites focussed on little people, we are parents ourselves and understanding why a site like this might be useful came out of being parents. Where we might differ a little bit, is we also have decades of experience building and running websites, working with high street retailers, distribution chains, security, customer satisfaction and all the other boring stuff that makes a good website tick.
Like many thirty and forty-somethings, we're also fashion conscious, love design, interior, home comforts and space and really, that is what this website is about.. digging up the clever stuff, the pretty bits, nice accessories that still make you feel like you look after yourself as well as your children. We're continually searching for things that make us think "that's ace" or the little hacks that claw back a few precious square foot at home.
We first discussed launching this site in 2013, but ironically, the kids got in the way, so it was in 2016, our own pregnancies, 4 sons a Daughter and our own life hacking done and we're ready to help you do yours.
All Mama's Children is wholly owned by RRG Retail Ltd, which in turn is owned by The Baxters and the Hennemans. We've worked together and known each other for decades, our children have grown up together. Karl and Ben also own and run a successful digital agency, Stunn Ltd. The expertise at Stunn has helped us to build and run All Mama's Children, we hope, a design and price-conscious website for parents and carers like us, and happy, creative and engaged children and families.
Who to talk to
Lou Baxter:
The website is managed by Louise Baxter. She takes overall responsibility for customer service, stock and inventory and manages the marketing of the website. While there are people behind the scenes and around the business that help out, Lou remains visible and available to help our customers and is passionate about getting things right. You can contact Lou by email at lou@allmamaschildren.com or via the general enquiries line on the website.
Karl Baxter:
Managing Director at RRG Retail, Karl Baxter negotiates and manages the commercial aspects of the business and is responsible for maintaining partner and supply chain relationships. Karl can be contacted via email karl@reallyrathergood.co.uk or by telephone on 0121 616 0093.
While you're here, Lou & Karl Baxter - Management Team at All Mamas Children would like to thank you for visiting the website. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or queries. We're here to help.