Candylab Boredom Buster. (Free for all colouring sheets and competition inside)

While most of us are cooped up at home doing our own little bit to stop the spread of The Corona Virus, we're lucky in the scheme of things, but that doesn't make it any easier keeping kids entertained... For many of us, we're still trying to work with a child or few around our feet and a thousand decibels through our ears... We're totally with you! Lou and I are working from home with our three, who in fairness to them are actually being pretty cool :)
There's some great content out there - PE, video lessons, baby yoga, video chats... We've also been flexing our creative muscles, opened up the Macs and started drawing some of our favourite toys :)
Click the link below to download a PDF of 5 outline Candylab cars. We've made them simple enough for the toddlers to colour and left space for older kids (and grown-ups) to get creative... They'll print out of your printer at A4, or larger if you have a big one.
The outlines look like this...
We've included the Drifter, Stinger, Airstream, Woodie Redux and Legend in the collection of images, so there's a good hour or so with felts and crayons... and plenty longer if you want to get your design hat on...
Here's one I painted in photoshop last night...
Want to have some fun with your creations? We thought we'd make a competition out of it too...
- Have the kids colour in, paint, collage, digital paint or otherwise "pimp your ride" (or cheat, obviously, and do it yourself... those of us of a certain age will remember Hartbeat, and the Monet like creations painted by Ian or Lisa, "aged 6" to get on telly... we're alright with that, you know, well past the age of bitterness despite the string of rejections from Morph).
- Take a photo and upload your creation to Instagram or Facebook (set your privacy to public for this post on Facebook please, or we can't see it)
- Tag us in on either Instagram or Facebook /allmamaschildren and;
- Add the hashtag #send20candy if you want a discount code too
- Add the age of the artist in the comments
- Tell the bloody truth (or don't, I refer the honourable reader to point 1)
- Wait patiently while we check out your handy work
What Happens Next:
- We'll DM everyone who takes part a voucher code for 10% off toys and nursery homeware in online store (make sure you add #send10candy on your entry)**
- If you don't want us to DM you, that's cool too, just don't use the hashtag
- On Tuesday 14th April, we'll pick our favourites. Yes, we will judge you, yes we will be hard-nosed, yes we will sniff out lies from grown-ups, with the bitter memories of not making Tony Hart's wall.
- 2 runners up will receive a Candylab minivan of their choice from our website, while the overall winner gets to choose the Candylab car of their dreams from our entire stock.
You're more likely to be a child if you win the top prize, because, you know, we're softies, and this is a kids shop... BUT... if you're absolutely awesome, we understand that the odd salty tear over a silver medal is a life lesson. Adult entries will definitely get the Kudos, regardless, because kids don't care about that stuff.
Don't have a public Insta or use Facebook? email us your photos and we'll post the best of them to our social media and put all entries in the pot.
Have fun and stay safe out there,
Karl & Lou x
**voucher can be used on any purchase excluding the Thule & Jupiduu products
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